Essay Award 2011
The essay question was: Can we trust our feelings? On the value of emotions for cognition and action
The following essays were awarded:
- 1st Prize: not awarded
- 2nd Prize: Amadeus Magrabi:
Can we Trust our Feelings? On the Value of Feelings for Decision-Making
- 3rd Prize: Stefan Reining:
Do Pain-Accompanying Emotions Mislead Us? – Considerations in the Light of Reactive Dissociation Phenomena
Essay Award 2010
The essay question was: What do we owe other generations?
The following essays were awarded:
- 1st Prize: not awarded
- 2nd Prize: Stefan Reining:
Verpflichtungen gegenüber zukünftigen Generationen im Lichte der Goldenen Regel
- 3rd Prize: not awarded
Essay Award 2009
The essay question was: Learning from fiction? On the epistemological value of thought experiments or literature
The following essays were awarded:
- 1st Prize: Max Seeger:
Experimental Philosophy and the Twin Earth Intuition
- 2nd Prize: Sebastian Köhler:
Thought-experiments, Disagreement and Moral Realism
- 3rd Prize: Stefan Reining:
Über die vermeintliche Unzulässigkeit physikalisch unmöglicher Fälle in der Debatte um diachrone Personenidentität
Essay Award 2008
The essay question was: Why search for the truth?
The following essays were awarded:
- 1st Prize: not awarded
- 2nd Prize: Stefan Reining:
Über den möglichen Wert der Unwissenheit
- 3rd Prize: David Ludwig:
Die Sorge um die Wahrheit
- 4th Prize: Susanne Mantel:
Warum nach der Wahrheit suchen?
Essay Award 2007
The essay question was: Could we be fully physically determined and still responsible for our actions?
The following essays were awarded:
- 1st Prize: Lars Dänzer:
A Neglected Argument for Compatibilism
- 2nd Prize: Anselm Spindler:
Über moralische Verantwortung und alternativen Möglichkeiten
- 3rd Prize: Andreas Maier:
Weeding in the Garden of Forking Paths – Yet Another Look at Alternative Possibilities