§ 1 Name and Seat
- The seat of the GAP is in Berlin.
- The Society for Analytic Philosophy (Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, GAP) is a registered society, and as such carries the supplement »registered association« in the abbreviated form »e.V.« in its name.
§ 2 Mission and Aims
- The GAP is dedicated to promoting and communicating analytic philosophy.
- Projects which the society actively promotes include: organisation of conferences, support for young researchers in schools and universities, efforts to further analytic philosophy’s presence in the media, coordination of research projects, supplying information on research and projects in analytic philosophy, advisory services for the funding of research projects, advocacy concerning funding policies vis-à-vis public and private institutions (federal government, federal states, foundations etc.), advocacy for academic freedom in research and teaching, fostering national and international exchanges between analytic philosophers.
§ 3 Non-profit Status
- The GAP exclusively pursues non-profit purposes. Its activities are selfless; it does not engage in activities in pursuit of its own commercial advantage.
- All funds of the society shall be used only for statutory purposes. Its members shall receive no share of the profits and no other payments from the society’s funds in their capacity as members.
- No person may benefit from expenditures that are not related to the purpose of the association or profit through inappropriately high allowances.
§ 4 Membership
- Membership of the GAP in no way precludes membership in other philosophical societies.
- Any natural and legal persons willing to support and promote the aims of the GAP set out in §2 are welcome as members.
- Members of the GAP may form regional groups. The executive committee is to be notified of a formation of a regional group. On the basis of these statutes, regional groups are to establish their own statutes, in which their non-profit status is guaranteed. The statute requires the consent of the executive committee of the GAP. Regional groups manage their own affairs in line with the GAP’s statutory regulations.
- The same holds for supporting members. These support the GAP through greater material contributions. §7, clause 1 provides further information.
- The executive committee decides upon the admission of a member by a simple majority within half a year on the basis of a written application for admission. A complaint may be lodged against a rejection, which is decided upon by the next general assembly of members by a simple majority.
- Membership ends by death or termination of the legal person, notice of resignation or exclusion. Resignation is only possible at the end of each calendar year with a three-month notice period by means of a written declaration to the executive committee.
- A member may be excluded by a majority of the executive committee if he seriously violates the provisions of the statute. In particular, a member may be excluded by a simple majority of the managing board if he failed to pay membership fees for two consecutive years. The exclusion can be repealed by a simple majority of the general assembly of members at the request of the party concerned. If such a request is made, membership shall continue until the decision of the general assembly of members is final. Such a request must be filed within 4 weeks after notification of exclusion.
- Upon leaving the society, all claims on the society’s assets expire.
- Persons who have made a special contribution to analytic philosophy may be awarded an honorary membership status by a resolution of the general assembly of members with a 2/3 majority. A person who has made an outstanding contribution to analytic philosophy may be awarded an honorary presidency by a resolution of the general assembly of members with a 2/3 majority.
§ 5 Institutions and Bodies
- The general assembly of members consists of all members of the GAP that attend.
- A general assembly of members is to take place no later than three years after the last meeting.
- A general assembly of members shall be convened by the executive committee when 1/3 of the members file a written request for convocation, stating an agenda. The respective meeting must take place no later than 1/2 year after receipt of the request.
- The general assembly of members is convened by resolution of the executive committee at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting. The general assembly of members is duly convened when, following the resolution of the executive committee, invitation and agenda for the general assembly of members have been dispatched.
- Any amendments to the agenda of the general assembly of members require the acceptance of a simple majority.
- The functions of the general assembly of members include:
a. Acceptance of the activities and cash report
b. Ratification of the executive committee’s activities
c. Election of an executive committee
d. Determining membership fees
e. Amendments to the statute
f. Dissolution of the society
Amendments to the statute through the general assembly of members can be revoked by a simple majority of all members via written statements. These statements must be received by the executive committee no later than one month after the minutes of the general assembly of members have been dispatched (date on postmark). All revocations of this kind must be immediately imparted to the members of the executive committee. - There is a quorum at the general assembly of members when it has been duly convened.
- In all matters not covered by (6e) or (6f) the general assembly of members decides by a simple majority. Amendments to the statute require a 2/3 majority. The dissolution of the society requires a 3/4 majority.
- The president of the society chairs the general assembly of members or, in the event of his being prevented, one of the vice-presidents. If these are also prevented from attending, a chairman is elected by the general assembly of members.
- The general assembly of members shall be recorded in minutes. The minutes must be signed by the chairman of the general assembly as well as the recorder of the minutes. The minutes shall be sent to all members within 3 weeks.
- The executive committee as well as the general assembly of members can set up commissions for special tasks. Non-members may also be obtained for collaboration in these committees. The chairman of such a commission must be a member of the commission throughout its entire activity. The activities of these commissions are to be reported to the executive committee or, on their behalf, to the general assembly of members.
- Elections and votes at the general assembly of members shall be by secret ballot if so requested by a member present at the assembly.
§ 6 Executive Committee
- In accordance with German law governing private associations, the executive committee consists of the following persons, who form the managing board:
a) one or two presidents
b) five vice-presidents, including the treasurer
c) the managing director elected by the general assembly at the suggestion of the president(s).
Unless otherwise stated, the term »executive committee« always refers to the managing board in this statute. - Each member of the managing board is authorised to represent the society legally.
- The executive committee is elected by the general assembly of members for a term of office of three years. The term of office of the executive committee begins on January 1 of the calendar year following the election. The executive committee is in office until the new executive committee’s term of office begins.
- Re-elections are possible.
- The meetings of the executive committee are chaired by the president or by one of the vice-presidents appointed by him.
- There is a quorum at meetings of the executive committee when at least half of the members of the managing board are present. It passes resolutions with a simple majority of votes (that is, more than half of the valid votes cast by present members entitled to vote; invalid votes and abstentions are not counted). In the event of a tie, a motion shall be deemed rejected. Votes in the executive committee are to be carried out by secret ballot if so requested by one of its members. Resolutions of the executive committee may also be passed in written form, by email or telephonically, if all members of the executive committee consent to this procedure in written form, by email or telephonically. Resolutions passed in writing, by email or telephonically must be made out in writing.
- Amendments to the statute that are demanded by supervisory, judicial or financial authorities for formal reasons can be made by the executive committee alone. Members must be immediately informed of such amendments.
- The executive committee may be extended by co-opting further members (with no voting rights).
- The general assembly of members elects two auditors.
§ 7 Electoral Regulations
- The members of the executive committee shall be elected in the order specified in §6(1).
- It is permissible for two persons to run together for the office of president (»joint leadership«). In this case, the election shall take place in the form of a list election. If two persons run for joint leadership, or one or more individuals against a tandem, para. 5 shall apply accordingly.
- Every member of the GAP may submit, in written or oral form, nominations to the president(s), the chairman of the general assembly or the election officer prior to the commencement of the election process. Only the elected president(s) may nominate a candidate for the position of the managing director.
- If the chairman of the general assembly is himself a candidate for the new executive committee, he shall hand over the chair of the general assembly to an election officer, elected by the general assembly, for the duration of the election process.
- A president, treasurer or managing director is elected when a candidate ‒ or a team, in case of a joint candidacy for president ‒ receives more than half of the issued valid votes. If none of the candidates or candidate teams achieves this majority, a new election shall take place. In the case that the candidate group remains the same, the new election is to take place among the two candidates or teams having received the highest number of votes in the previous election. New nominations to the candidate group are only possible once; clauses 1 to 3 apply mutatis mutandis.
- The vice presidents are elected in one ballot. If four or less candidates are nominated, votes for yes, no or abstention can be cast for each individual candidate. If more than four candidates are nominated, every member entitled to vote can cast up to four votes for yes; per candidate only one vote for yes may be cast. A candidate who receives more than half of the issued valid votes is elected. If less than four candidates achieve such a majority in the first round, a second election takes place for the unallocated offices. If, in this election, there are an equal or fewer number of candidates nominated than offices are vacant, votes for yes, no or abstention can be cast for each individual candidate. In this case, a candidate who receives more votes for yes than votes for no is elected. If more candidates are nominated than offices are vacant, each member entitled to vote may cast as many votes for yes as offices are vacant; per candidate only one vote for yes may be cast. In this case, those candidates receiving the highest number of votes for yes are elected. In the case of a tie, a runoff election is held.
- Each member of the executive committee is elected only after they have accepted their election.
§ 8 Financing
- The fees for regular and supporting members is determined by the general assembly at the proposal of the executive committee.
- The funds for the society may be used only for statutory purposes.
- Donations to the society enter the society’s funds. Any conditions for use of such donations are impermissible if they compromise the society’s function and independence in any way.
- Due to the direct debit schemes used to collect membership fees, the executive committee is entitled to take out a loan or arrange a credit agreement with a bank.
§ 9 Dissolution
- The general assembly of members can only pass a resolution for dissolution of the society if a request for dissolution is supported by 4/5 of the members of the GAP by means of a written consent. The request must have been submitted to the executive board at least 2 months prior to the general assembly of members.
- In the event of a dissolution of the society or upon discontinuation of the society’s non-profit purposes, the society’s funds shall be transferred to the German Research Foundation (DFG) for direct and exclusive use for the promotion of science and research.
Status of these statues after the general assembly on September 12, 2022.